Epson LQ-570 + Printer
Service Manual

Epson LQ-570 + Printer<br> Service Manual
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This manual describes functions, theory of electrical and mechanical operations, maintenance, and repair of
the Epson LQ-570+. The instructions and procedures included herein are intended for the experienced repair
technician, and attention should be given to the precautions on the preceding page.
This printer is based on LQ-2070 model.

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We are in business since 2002 and do our best to give our customers perfect service!

  Tim Plumley 2011-12-03 20:31:01  
  I own an Epson Artisan 700- Prior to buying it I never heard of the issue with the waste ink counter and epson's built in error codes that render the printer useless after reaching a certain print count. I like a lot of you searched for fixes online. I happened upon ( by way of youtube. I was very reluctant about using this but I also didn't have many other alternatives short of giving in to Epson and their repair method and cost or the purchase of another printer. I am very pleased that I went this route because my printer is up and going (printing) like it should be. I am a very satisfied customer. Thanks, Tim P.
  Rudi Einstein 2021-02-11 14:04:53  
  Hat auf Anhieb funktioniert !! Danke erstmal für die TRIAL Version , ich kann wieder drucken. (diese Raubritter von Ep...ctc.) Die Vollversion werde ich demnächst sicher kaufen. Gruß Rudi
  Mary Jon Mary Jon 2009-08-07 14:55:10  
  thanks for your help, i have got the manual now, its is a great service you offer
  Riccardo Ritteri 2019-05-06 23:19:15  
  The license.exe utility doesn't recognize the printer XP-441.

Answer: Change USB Cable
  Rafael Monteiro 2019-03-29 02:56:34  
  It worked! I recommend.I was affraid that was a kind of scam but is actually profissional service
  ann weston 2022-09-01 07:15:35  
  I bought one reset key and it hasn't even been a month yet and my printer is already telling me that the ink pad needs service. All of these good reviews that I have read on here is the reason i took a chance and purchased a reset key. I have not been able to use my printer at all. I am highly pissed off that not even a month after purchasing the one reset key and my printer is back at it again. I want a refund or to be able to try another reset code. this is a bunch of B.S.
Waste counters doesn't have any relation to how much time did user used the printer. Waste counters increase when printhead cleaning is performed. One printhead cleaning takes about 3-4% of waste counter. So if user make 25-30 printhead cleanings - the waste ink counters will reach 100% and overflow. Doesn't depend on time you will make this cleanings - in 1 month or in 1 year or in 1 day or in 3 years. Usually when printer is new and using Epson original inks - -there will be no need to make printhead cleanings. After Epson inks finish - users often buy third party inks - they have not so good quality as Epson and may clog printhead more often. So after Epson inks finish - users make printhead cleanings more often - as a result - after 20-30 printhead cleanings - counters overflow. So - try to make printhead cleanings less often.
Only ONE thing what does Reset Key - it resets waste ink pads counters to ZERO. Doesn't matter counters will be reset by yourself using Reset key ($9.99) or by Epson Service Center engineer ($50) - the result will be the same - counters will become 0%
Conclusion: use high quality inks!

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