The Epson Adjustment Program for T90 can be used under Windows XP only.
This Epson Adjustment Program for T90 can be used on ONE PC only!
To learn more about service program functions go to About Adjustment Programs (in the right column)
To get this adjustment program for Epson T90, first you have to send us your PC configuration info file. It can be generated by special program, This program generates 2 files. You send us this files and we send the adjustment program to you.It can work on one PC only. If you change some parts in your computer the program will not work and you have to buy it once more for updated PC.
To use this Epson T90 Adjustment Program the best way you have to read Epson T90 Service Manual first.
After we accept your payment, you'll be sent special program and pdf instruction how to use it. It is very easy to generate info file on your PC!