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Reset Key or Firmware Key? Select right Key!

Reset Key ($9.99)

Reset Key is required for resetting Waste Ink Counters in Epson and Canon printers.
It can be used for all supported printer models.
How to check if printer is supported by WIC utility?
How to check Waste Ink Counters if they are overflowed and need to be reset?
How to reset Waste Ink Counters in Epson PP-50, PP-100 printers?

If You are sure You want to reset Waste Ink Counters in Your printer - please buy Reset Key for Your printer model:
- Buy Reset Key for all supported printer models;
- Buy Reset Key for Epson Disc Producers PP-50 and PP-100 models

Firmware Key ($19.99)

Firmware Key is required for making changes in printers firmware such as - firmware downgrade or changing firmware for disabling ink cartridges - making printer chipless.
When do I have to downgrade printers firmware?
Do i need to disable ink cartridges?
Are Downgrade and Disable IC options available for my printer model?
How to make firmware Downgrade?
How to make printer Chipless (disable ink cartridges control)?

If You are sure You need FirmWare Key - please select preffered payment option:
- Pay By Credit Cards Visa, MC etc., Webmoney - Go Here;
- Pay by PayPal and local payments - Go Here
Discounts are available also:
10 Firmware Keys - $14.99 per key
30 Firmware Keys - $9.99 per key
100 Firmware Keys - $6.99 per key

Activation Keys for Chipless Firmware ($25-$50)

Activation Key is required for making printer chipless by License.exe application.
Some new printers mainboards have newest firmware versions and will not accept chipless firmware from WIC utility.
In this case You have to use Chipless Solution with License.exe application.
Here You can check printer models supported list for Chipless Solution

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Select payment method.
Step 3
Confirm the order.

We are in business since 2002 and do our best to give our customers perfect service!

  ed dy 2007-06-15 00:30:52  
  Canon service manual for iP1200, ip1600 worked out fine!!
  Nik Petridis 2013-04-24 17:20:08  
  I have a new Epson XP-102 and stopped printing with the error! Fantastic and very easy! WIC reset Utility does exactly as it says!!! Buy the key, and after few minutes the counter was reset! The best $9.99 I have ever spent This program saved me a lot of time and money! Thank you!
  Ignacio Lucatero 2020-12-06 16:45:37  
  Trial for my 1500w worked a treat. So simple to use.
  Tomas Jomad 2014-05-21 14:00:25  
  Just wanted to write and THANK YOU for making such GREAT products.

I just reset my Epson 1430 printer. I\'m using it with bulk pigmented ink...and a custom color profile. I love it...and thanks to you I\'ll be able to get several more years out of it.
Best regards.Tomas Jomad
  Mohamed abbas 2007-07-04 11:55:01  
  It worked out! Thanx!!!
  Riccardo Ritteri 2019-05-06 23:19:15  
  The license.exe utility doesn't recognize the printer XP-441.

Answer: Change USB Cable
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