OPTRA E-310, E312 Printers
Service Manual

OPTRA E-310, E312 Printers<br> Service Manual
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This manual describes functions, theory of electrical and mechanical operations, maintenance, and repair of
the OPTRA E-310, E-312 laser printers.

FORMAT: High resolution PDF document!
Zip archive: 3 636 kB

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We are in business since 2002 and do our best to give our customers perfect service!

  Pierpaolo De Fina 2019-08-14 15:33:44  
  It works perfectly to make Epson XP-55 chip-free and disable ink levels. Many thanks.
  amprenta clau 2016-12-22 13:14:48  
  Foarte multumit, am cumparat on-line in 22 decembrie 2016 - codul (Key) - a durat 5-10 minute (inregistrarea pe site si plata), am instalat softul lor in care am introdus codul primit prin e-mail - de la ei si in cateva secunde totul functioneaza ca nou. Imprimanta mea Epson R285 - resetata acum a 2-a oara. Prima data, de frica am apelat la o persoana, care tot aici a resetat-o. Recomand cu drag. Thank You, I recommended Very pleased, I bought online in the December 22, 2016 - code (Key) - lasted 5-10 minutes (registration and payment on site), I installed their software in which we introduced code received via e-mail - from her and within seconds everything works like new. My Epson R285 printer - now reset the 2nd time. First, the fear I turned to someone who here has reset it. I recommend
  bad boy 2019-08-26 17:44:39  
  I need a key for a Canon G1100, it´s the same key for serie G1000? and when I try to buy say EPSON Art700, what can I do? I need a key for my canon
  Biswajit Halder 2018-07-24 04:07:33  
  Dear ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you for your effort, it worked and the help was great. As a result, we have the throw-away society a trick beaten. Soooo I imagine help me Thank you
  edu col 2006-12-16 12:50:56  
  Dear Mr. eval program thanks Eduin Col
  toan le ngoc 2020-10-01 01:52:47  
  I am very, very grateful that this helped me in resetting the school printer. it is very hassle (avoiding corona virus spread) in my part to carry the printer from my place transporting via boat to the city (travelling for at least an hour by the sea) but with your help it solved my problem we can now continue the printing of the modules and self learning materials of the children since the classes will start on October 5. good job!
  vijayanand swami 2009-11-07 16:44:04  
  i have epson 4880c/ the masses display service req 000110033
  Claude FERIOLI 2024-05-14 01:23:25  
  J'ai acheté une "RESET KEY" et je l'ai reçue correctement. Quand je dois la rentrer dans la fenêtre prévue, il n'y a que quatre caractères et demi qui peuvent entrer. Il est impossible d'en rentrer plus. Quel peut-être le problème ? (Je ne peux donc pas remettre à zéro mon compteur et donc, pour l'instant, j'ai acheté une clé qui ne me sert à rien...) Claude FERIOLI claude.ferioli@orange.fr
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