LBP 1210 Laser Printer Service Manual
This Service Manual contains basic information required for after-sales service
of the laser beam printer (hereinafter referred to as the “printer”) LBP-1210.
This information is vital to the service technician in maintaining the high
print quality and performance of the printer.
This Service Manual consists of the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Product information
Features, specifications, operation, and installation
Chapter 2: Operation and Timing
A description of the operating principles and timing sequences of the electrical
and mechanical systems.
Chapter 3: The Mechanical System
Explanation of mechanical operation, disassembly, reassembly and adjustment
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
Maintenance and servicing, reference values and adjustments, troubleshooting
procedures, lubricants, and solvents
Appendix: General timing chart, general circuit diagram,
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