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  Leon Potgieter 2004-06-18 10:42:40  
  Paid for Epson Stylus Color 900 service program and afterwards tried to download program from link. Link would only download a HTML file, and not an executable. Left a message from 2manuals to assist me. This is too damn difficult. Why can the link not just download the executable? ============= Just checked - it works fine. Maybe there were server problem at that moment. You have been sent direct link. John.
  ion barboi 2012-09-13 00:11:51  
  John I want to Thank You for all your help. I own and run a T-Shirt printing company, nothing big but it helps and I use the printer to print out the film that I need to silk screen them, again Thank You.
  mathan mathan 2007-06-07 19:16:10  
  thanking you service for help becase my family is very poor so i am not purchase is any orginal parts
  yrosci yrosci 2013-03-03 20:26:02  
  se avete problemi con l'esaurimento dei tamponi e la vostra stampante vi dice che è arrivata al termine ,non disperatevi con questo programmino potete azzerare i contatori che registrano le vostre pulizie e quando siete arrivati al 100% la stampante non va più quindi scaricate il Wic Reset ,istallatelo e comprate la chiave che viene 9,9 dollari inseritela nel programmino e la vostra stampante ritorna come nuova.
  Ado Slipac 2016-06-17 17:29:10  
  You guys are amazing! Thank you for providing this service. You\'ll save us thousands of dollars over the years.
  Marcio D Santos 2023-01-11 17:46:06  
  Whenever I try to do the ink charge, ink out appears here, so far it hasn't worked for me, could support staff be able to help?

REPLY: To use Ink Charge - ink levels must be more then 50%
  Igor Dimovski 2011-09-24 01:48:45  
  wonderful, magical, with just three clicks i returned to my printer in working position, I recommend to all ,without doubt the best best choice and quickly resolve the problem,thank you
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